40 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Transitioned To Natural Hair eBook

There is a lot of information overload out there on natural hair care and 80% of them are not realistic at all. I made so many mistakes the first year I transitioned to natural hair and I wish I found this type of E-book then to guide me. With this eBook, you don’t have to make those mistakes and afterwards, you’ll understand natural hair is actually easy to groom. 

This eBook is for you if:

  • You are tired of natural hair care and on the verge of calling it quits because your hair is not yielding the results you envisaged.
  • Your hair is breaking a lot and not retaining length.
  • You are struggling with loving your hair and having confidence wearing it out regardless of society’s biased beauty standards.
  • Your hairlines, edges and nape hairs are breaking and you need realistic tips on growing them back.
  • You want to know what to expect in your natural hair journey. Will it be worth it?
  • You are curious to learn the 40 mistakes I made in my first year of returning to natural hair.
  • You are experiencing sweaty, itchy dry and flaky scalp and want this to stop.

Does any of the above sound like you? Then you should invest in this eBook now so you can get the clarity you’ve always desired in your natural hair journey.

Podcasting Clarity session with Viola Ekene

This session is for you if:


  • You have value you want to offer to the world through your voice using podcasts as a medium but do not know how to go about starting.
  • You want to understand how podcasting works and how to properly articulate your thoughts in an intelligent calculated manner.
  • You are confused about the best hosting platform to use for your podcast idea.
  • You are overwhelmed on what to talk about.
  • You are confused about how to set up a professional website for your podcast that positions you as an expert in your niche.
  • You are looking to scale your brand and make meaningful connections with your customers/community through your voice.
  • You don’t know how to go about designing your cover art. What should even be in it?
  • You are overwhelmed with tons of podcasting tips you’ve researched on which has left you scared to launch your podcast.
  • You desire to learn how to promote new episodes on social media using eye-catching audiograms and visuals while incorporating trends to get more eyes and attention to your podcast. 
  • You want to know how to record your first episode; tools, tips and resources to use.
  • You’d love to find out how to start reaching out to guests that will add more value to your episodes.
  • You want to reach more countries with your podcast.
  • You want to monetize and make money from your podcast in the long run.
  • You want to build a safe community around your podcast but wonder how this is possible and how you can show up authentically to attract the right audience.
  • You want to venture into video podcasting.
  • You want to learn how to record virtual interviews with your guests from anywhere in the world.


Natural Hair Clarity session with Viola Ekene

Does any of these sound like you? 

▪️You are transitioning or already transitioned to natural hair but very much confused on how to care for and groom it.
▪️You are experiencing an itchy, dry and flaky scalp coupled with dandruff.
▪️You are on the verge of giving up on your natural hair.
▪️Your hair is breaking a lot and detangling/combing it is a herculean task and hurts so much.
▪️Your hair is no more retaining length or growing.
▪️You are experiencing a lot of breakages and shedding.
▪️You wish someone would just hold your hand and walk you through this natural hair journey thingy because it’s getting too much.
▪️You are overwhelmed with loads of information on natural hair care out there which leaves you very confused.  
▪️You don’t feel confident wearing your natural hair.
▪️You need help creating a personalized hair routine that will work for your unique hair texture and porosity.
▪️You want to learn proper natural hair care from me.

If any of the above sounds like you, It’s time to get past all of these so you can enjoy your natural hair journey.