What’s Not To Love About Her? Guys, Meet Torera George!

torera george


What’s Not To Love About Her? Guys Meet Torera George

Yeahhhh! Meet Torera George formerly DIYDose; a very talented intelligent woman. She was our beauty hub crush. Unfortunately, due to some circumstances beyond our control, we couldn’t run a phone call interview so i was like ‘Hey! Why don’t we run a short written one then!’. Her attitude and maturity was everything but before i share the written interviews, as usual, here is a short biography of Torera George

What's not to love about her? Guys meet Torera George! Click To Tweet

Short Biography Of Torera George

Torera George runs a lifestyle brand @torerageorge.com. As a former journalist, she wrote stories on arts and culture in Africa for an international news company but decided to veer off that path to work on her brand ‘ToreraGeorge’ formerly called DIYDose where she shares hacks, tips and tricks to live a better quality life.

Check out this lovely short biography of Torera George Click To Tweet

Let’s move over to the questions. Shall we? (Inserts a smiling emoji)


There is this lovely and emotional video on your feed on Instagram of you wishing you dad a happy father’s day. You mentioned he was very instrumental in bringing out the creative side of you while growing up. In what unique ways did he do this?

My dad was truly supportive of my creative side. He didn’t fully understand it but he supported it whilst telling me to have a fall back option of course just as any African dad would. My earliest memories of him would be driving me up to Crafties, one of the foremost craft shops in Lagos and i would shop for all the craft materials i needed.

'My dad was truly supportive of my creative side. He didn't fully understand it but he supported it whilst telling me to have a fall back option of course just as any African dad would. My earliest memories of him would be driving me… Click To Tweet

Are there other ways you enrich yourself with ideas like google and YouTube or they all come naturally?

To be honest, i think no matter what talent or skill you have naturally, you have to hone it. Yes i constantly work on my craft by googling 24/7. No one is born knowing anything. We are sponges absorbing things as we go.


You mentioned in your bio you left journalism to work on your former brand DIYDose. Are there any silent regrets?

No regrets at all. That was a phase in my life and i learnt a lot from that experience but it was certainly time to move on and follow what set my heart on fire.


Why did you re-brand?

There are so many benefits to a personal brand and i wanted the freedom to pursue other interests outside of DIY.

What should we expect and we’ll still get DIY hacks right? 

Oh yes and more!

Were you ever told by people that what you are doing is irrelevant? If yes, what and how did you overcome the negativity and ignore the naysayers? This will help someone reading this right now that wants to start that dream but is hesitating because of people’s opinions.

My hobby wasn’t even something i was proud to admit i had among my journalist colleagues so yes i felt it was irrelevant in light of the dreams others had; reporting in war zones and breaking a big story but i quickly learnt that what i do is not less important but it definitely took me a while to own that.

'My hobby wasn't even something i was proud to admit i had among my journalist colleagues so yes i felt it was irrelevant in light of the dreams others had; reporting in war zones and breaking a big story but i quickly learnt that what… Click To Tweet


Wow! Short but very insightful. Want to connect with this gorgeousness? Follow her on Instagram @torerageorge and subscribe to her mind blowing blog @torerageorge.com

Be sure to subscribe to my blog as well and until next time, God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that you could ever ask or think of!


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4 years ago

I love how you make it simple. How relatable!

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