I Did Not Show Up For A Day And Here Is What I Learnt

This was supposed to be Day 7 of me showing up for my personal ‘Blog every day for 14 days challenge’ but I didn’t show up yesterday. Nevertheless, I’m making up for it right now by posting two times today which will be that of day 6 and 7.

I wanted to show up but I was so tired after I spent hours editing a video content I made for my YouTube channel. When I finished, I wanted to come in here and post but I decided that taking a short nap would help as I was beginning to experience a banging headache. Trust me, the nap helped and I’m happy I took it. But, I should have left editing that video to another time that won’t affect me showing up.

Here is one thing I learnt: Promising to constantly show up is a conscious commitment you make for yourself. Myself? Yes because a lot of times we think showing up, being consistent or being there for someone in a relationship (which is a commitment) is something we are doing for the other person. Lol! Big lie. You are doing it for yourself because you promised! The other party didn’t promise but you did and you raised their hopes. I’ve also learnt within these few days of this challenge that showing up is also about disciplining myself. There are a thousand and one reasons I could give to stop this challenge but I promised so I will continue to show up until the 14 days are over.

So, who did you promise to constantly show up for? It might be your spouse, child, work or that side hustle of yours. Create a schedule to help you stay organised and show up. You are also gaining and training yourself in the process. Of course, there might be days where circumstances will be beyond your control, it is totally fine but make sure you always show up because YOU PROMISED. Learn to keep your word.

Yippee! Everything works together for our good huh? This was not my planned post for Day 6 but because I couldn’t show up, I learnt some things and decided to share with you and we have a post! Is it safe to say this is a win-win situation? Lol!

If you’d love to read the previous post of my Day 5 challenge where I shared the lessons I learnt from starting my podcast, click HERE.

Also, if you’d love to support my podcast where I create candid and thought-provoking conversations with guests from all over the world, click HERE to see what it is all about and join my inner circle. Don’t worry, you will get access to so many benefits and behind-the-scenes as a patron. *winks*

Don’t forget to always show up as you promised. You are doing it for yourself.


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[…] If you’d love to read the previous post of my Day 6 challenge where I shared why you should always show up and be consistent as a content creator, click HERE. […]

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